Stage Fright
Students will demonstrate an ability to stand comfortably in front of an audience by participating in group warm-up activities, introducing themselves and answering
interview-like questions.
Materials Needed
Students’ Drama Journals
Anticipatory Set/Hook
In a circle, one person does a small gesture and quiet sound effect. The person to
their right does the same movement and sound, but a little bit bigger, then the next
person does it a little bit bigger than that and so on. Once the movement and sound
has gone all the way around the circle, the person who did it first does it as big and
loud as they possibly can! Then the game starts over with the person on their right
starting a new movement and sound. The point of the game is to go as fast as
possible without thinking. Try to emphasize during the game that this is a safe
classroom and there is no such thing as a mistake in this room. “We are all doing
the same movements and will all look silly at one point, so to just do it as big as
you can.”
Step 1 (Discussion/Transition): Discuss how they felt doing strange movements in
front of the class. Explain that feeling silly or nervous on stage is normal and that
there is no cure; it just gets easier to handle with practice. Explain that everyone,
even professionals get stage fright. Ask for examples of how people deal with their
own stage fright.
Step 2 (Guided/Group Practice): Tell students that they will have to get used to
being in front of other students without fidgeting or hiding themselves. Allow half
of the students to stand up against the wall. Tell them their job is just to stand their
without moving, hiding, touching their face, cocking their hips, twiddling their
fingers etc. Instruct that the other half of the class has a job too. They are to just
observe their classmates without talking, laughing, pointing, making faces or
doing anything else besides observing the other people. Encourage silence to give
the room that nice awkward tension. Switch the groups and do the same activity.
Step 3 (Discussion): Have a short discussion about how they felt, and what they
thought about while they were being observed. Make sure to emphasize that it is
okay to feel awkward or nervous in this class and that we will learn how to deal
with being in front of our peers this term. (Address any issues or ideas that
students bring up the best you can.)
Step 4 (Guided/Group Practice): Do the same silent observing activity by row. (5
groups) Discuss again. Ask them if they felt better or worse that time.
Step 5 (Transition): Talk about *“unlocking your imaginations.” Tell them in this
class it is okay to pretend, even though it might seem dorky or silly. Most of the
games and activities we will do rely on creativity because we don’t want to see the
same stuff over and over. It gets boring. They can be as inventive and creative as
they want.
Step 6 (Instruction/Independent Practice): Have students, one at a time, go to the
front of the room and introduce themselves. Remind them to speak clearly and
loudly so that the audience can hear them. Tell them to give their name, and say
something unique about themselves. As they finish, ask them a few more
questions, either about their unique trait or some other thing to get them thinking
and talking as much as possible. A few examples are:
• Would you rather go to bottom of the ocean or top of the moon and why?
• If you were an ice cream flavor, what would be and why?
• If you were a car, what kind would you be and why?
• Cake or pie?
• Chocolate or vanilla? Etc.
Step 7 (Closure): Instruct students to reflect on the day in their drama journals.
They can write how it felt to be in front of the class, whether or not they were
scared, and what caused them to feel that way. They can also write how they felt
as an audience member as they observed other people speak clearly or not clearly
etc. After they write, they can share a few of their thoughts if they would like.
Remind them that stage fright is normal, and that we will practice becoming more
comfortable throughout the term.
Informal Assessment
Students will introduce themselves to the class, and answer a few random questions as outlined above. Teachers should remind students before not to fidget, take a few deep breaths if they get nervous etc. Teachers will know the educational objective has been met if each student participates, even if the students are not completely comfortable yet. We will keep working on it in other lessons.
Instruct students to reflect on the day in their drama journals. They can write how
it felt to be in front of the class, whether or not they were scared, and what caused
them to feel that way. They can also write how they felt as an audience member as
they observed other people speak clearly or not clearly etc. After they write, they
can share a few of their thoughts if they would like. Remind them that stage fright
is normal, and that we will practice becoming more comfortable throughout the
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